Bella Greek Campaign – The Unselecteds

When Bella Greek reached out to me to provide images for their recent rebranding I was indeed humbled and excited. Having provided the imagery for their initial launch it was a splendid delight that they would come back to me a second time. In our initial discussions for the campaign both parties agreed that it would be fantastic to retain Grace Lawton, our original model, as the face of the brand. And fortunately for us she was absolutely on-board. It truly was one of those shoots where everything just fell into place. So well that Bella Greek was saddled with some very tough decisions to make on their choice of images. That was a good feeling. When you know that, in this case, there are no real rejects. There are just images that may not have been perfect for this campaign or that a certain look or angle was preferred. Those images that are left behind them are merely… unselected. But that is no reason not to share them. Well, in this case at least.


Each new project or shoot provides another opportunity to learn from others. As in, people can be drawn to different images for a myriad of reasons. The ones I think will bowl over a client are sometimes not the ones that they are immediately drawn to. It is similar to how some people prefer creamy-sweet coffee, while others prefer a stronger, bitter brew. Neither party is wrong for preferring what fits their particular taste. …No matter how insanely we judge them for not liking what we like (hehe). The goal then for client projects is to cover as manner tastes as possible in the limited time available. All while still remaining true to the creative vision that is your style.




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